It’s never easy to launch a new product, especially when it has new features that customers have yet to get to know. Such are the attributes of Stilla products complexed with fulvic acid technology.
In the laboratory in Budafok, I talk to company manager Zoltán Fuder, research chemist Nikoletta Molnár, and chemical engineer Eszter Gyetvai-Polyák about the development, function, and beneficial effects of Stilla.
The Stilla family currently has nine products available. What was the motivation behind the products?
Zoli: We wanted to create products that have a really high absorption rate and can help in various areas of life. This is most possible in liquid form. Unfortunately, tablets and capsules don’t always have a good disintegration rate. They have about 10 to 15 minutes from the moment they are swallowed to disintegrate, but often this does not happen, so nothing is absorbed in the intestinal tract.
Esti: Because our active ingredients are water soluble, we didn’t need any extra carrier or stabilizer to add to the load. Many people have trouble swallowing large tablets and capsules, so using Stilla drops is easy. With the pipette, you can absorb your daily dose, add it to a glass of water in the morning and you’re done.
Which product idea came first?
Zoli: Iron. Many people are iron deficient, iron is easily oxidized, thanks to fulvic acid we managed to package it in a complex that retains its Fe2+ form, it doesn’t oxidize, so it gets into the body in Fe2+ form and can deliver oxygen to the organs.
Niki: I have personally experienced the benefits of our iron drops. I myself was iron deficient and tried several different iron supplement products, but the expected results and findings did not materialize. After we developed the iron drops, I took them for three months as a cure, the fatigue went away and my tests finally came back good.
It’s not just people with iron deficiency who should be taking iron. In autumn and winter, the body’s iron stores are depleted. With the STILLA iron drops, the body gets oxygen and we feel it. You’ll be more energetic, you’ll find it easier to carry out your daily tasks and you’ll perform better in sports. I give them to my teenage son in the spring.
Eszti: I also take it during spring, it helps prevent spring fatigue.
Tell us a little about fulvic acid, I think a lot of people haven’t heard of it.
Zoli: Fulvic acid is one of the most natural substances in the world. It’s extracted from humus; which has great complexing properties. It means that we can bring active ingredients that are important for the body, such as iron, to a state that the body would have had difficulty utilizing before. It is a great chelating agent, so inorganic substances are converted into an organic form for the living organism. This allows vital nutrients to be absorbed.
Fulvic acid is full of amazing abilities, packaging up toxic substances and removing them from the body. In addition, its cell regenerating, immune system boosting, and its antioxidant effects are outstanding. People with absorption disorders (dairy, sugar, gluten, etc.) also get the active ingredients they need.
Is it still possible to eat healthily today and do we really need to take supplements?
Zoli: I think it’s very difficult to eat healthily nowadays because the nutrients in the soil are scarce, the vitamin content of vegetables and fruits is low, so it’s not easy to get the right amount of vitamins and minerals in your body on a daily basis just from the food you eat. We need to help our bodies with vitamins. Unfortunately, many people are not aware of the low absorption rates of tablets and capsules, and the differences between the active ingredients. Take magnesium, for example. It is easy to consume the wring form as a dietary supplement. A lot of people take magnesium in some form, under the false impression that they are eliminating their Mg deficiency. But, for example, 4 percent of magnesium oxide is absorbed – at most – if you don’t have an absorption disorder. Few people know that the brain is our highest magnesium-using organ. Our brain uses 30 percent of our magnesium needs. We work with Mg-L-threonate, the only type of magnesium that can cross the blood-brain barrier and feed the brain in large quantities.
What do I need to know about the active plant ingredients in the drops?
Niki: We only work with active plant ingredients that have scientifically proven effects. In Ayurveda, Chinese medicine, they have been used successfully for thousands of years. There is a growing demand for a more holistic, preventive approach to life, and these active ingredients are a great help in this. They do not work immediately like medicines, but are more gentle to the body and take longer to feel the results.
Zoli. Research is continuing in this direction, there are still a lot of exciting things to come as more and more plants are being discovered and what parts of them can be used for what purposes.
What are you most proud of about Stilla?
Esti: The positive feedback about Memory drops from people and doctors I look up to. And that I can improve people’s health.
Zoli: The iron drops. We got very promising feedback from the OSS (National Blood Supply Association), and we will continue to work with them in the future.
Niki: I also value the feedback from my close environment. I consider the Mom Power drops, as my “child” as the idea came from my own everyday life. It’s not easy to be a woman and meet so many challenges and demands daily – work, kids, wife, sports. The drops have helped me keep going.