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Why Stilla Drops?

Because it matters what we put into our own bodies and those of our families.

Stilla - at the intersection of science and holistic healing

When developing Stilla drops, our primary goal was to use 100% natural, standardised plant-based ingredients. The result is a natural product with superior absorption, free of carriers and fillers.

No accumulation of pollutants in the intestinal tract

Tablets and capsules contain fillers and carriers that are not utilised by the body and can sometimes be difficult to break down and excrete. Stilla contains only pure water, in addition to herbal active ingredients and vitamins, so there is no build-up of excess substances in the body.

New generation drops instead of tablets

Many people find it unpleasant or downright difficult to swallow capsules and tablets.Werecommend taking Stilla drops with water! The products contain no alcohol, so anyone can take them anywhere, anytime.

We provide targeted products for specific life situations and problems

Some of our products provide a specific combination of active ingredients and vitamins for a typical life situation (e.g. Mom Power), others target the most common deficiency diseases that occur on a mass scale (e.g. Ferrox). What they have in common is the 100% pure, highly bioavailable active ingredients.

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