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Ferrox Sport

Ferrox Sport

Made forChampions – IntenseIronSupplementationforAthletes – withoutcobalt

Forathletes– Tested bytheHungarian University of Physical Education and SportsSciences

Peoplewhoregularlyparticipate in intensesportshave a muchhigherironturnover and irondemand, and theirironstoresaredepleted more quickly.

In case of fatigue, constant exhaustion and reduced performance, it is worthsuspectingirondeficiency and having a blood test forhaemoglobinlevelsassoonaspossible.

The latest research shows thatmaintainingthebody’siron status is more important thanpreviouslyrealised.

Commonsymptoms of irondeficiency:

  • Fatigue, tiredness
  • Exhaustion
  • Headaches, dizziness
  • Highheartrate during exercise
  • Heartpalpitations
  • Heavymenstruation

5 500 Ft

Rated 5.00 out of 5 based on 3 customer ratings
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Stilla Ferrox Sport

Water-based, highlyabsorbablefoodsupplementdrops

The specialformula of StillaFerroxnotonlyprovides a highqualitysource of iron, butalsocontains important nutrientssuchaspurefulvicacids. Fulvicacids play a keyrole in ensuringthatiron is absorbedefficiently and is deliveredtothe body in optimalform.


  1. Highabsorption.
  2. Fulvicacids: Fulvicacidshelptomaintainthestability of iron in theorganiccomplex, ensuringthatiron is availabletothe body over thelongterm.
  3. Easytoconsume: We recommendtakingStillaFerrox in themorningwithwaterto maximise absorption and effectiveness. Remembernottoconsumeacidicorcaffeinateddrinksforonehourbeforeoraftertakingtheproducttoensure maximum effect.

Important warnings:

Donottake an antibiotic (e.g. doxycycline, ofloxacin) and ironatthesametime, astheironpreventstheabsorption of theantibiotic and theexpectedcuremaynot be achieved.

Ifyouarealsotaking an painkilleroranti-inflammatorydrugsuchasacetylsalicylicacidorothersimilardrugs (ibuprofen), theactiveingredientsmaydamagethegastrointestinallining in thepresence of iron.

Forbestabsorption, ironshouldnot be combinedwithothersupplements.

Stilla Ferrox can provide significant relief from iron deficiencysymptoms and anaemiawithjustthreemonths of treatment.

Stilla Ferrox is an excellentchoicetoenhancebodilyfunctions and support overall well-being.




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